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Twintex held its traditional Christmas breakfast on the last working day of 2023. It's with Family that we conclude this year of Success, Hard Work, and Prosperity, alongside those who daily enable Twintex's growth, and it's this Team to whom we owe everything! Thank you for another Christmas filled with smiles and hugs, and for a 2023 full of challenges and achievements.


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Twintex Birthday party
"Always be grateful for the good done to you" was the theme of Twintex's 44th anniversary celebration. Our team came together and collectively renewed the status of "Best Bosses in the World" to our management. Thank you, Mr. Mineiro, thank you Bruno and Mico Mineiro, and thank you also to the entire team. Together we are stronger, more resilient, and we achieve everything we set our minds to! It's not just because, proudly, we confess to having the Best Team in the World. Gratitude is the right word. Thank you!


Twintex walk

Twintex held the Walk on May 13th, with over a hundred team members participating. This event featured various surprises such as a snack break at the Professional School of Fundão, a musical moment provided by the Professional School of Arts of Covilhã, and ice cream distributed by Xicos. The route was planned and guided by the amazing Caminheiros da Gardunha (Gardunha Hikers). Thank you very much to everyone involved. It was SPECTACULAR!!
#Twintex #theartofmanufacturing


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Visit of the Minister of Economy and Maritime Affairs
On January 25th, Twintex welcomed the Minister of Economy and Maritime Affairs, Dr. António Costa Silva, in a visit where future plans were discussed. This visit took place within the scope of the "Closer Government" initiative. We want to thank for the trust placed in Twintex, the Factory of the Future!


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Twintex:World Photography Day
Twintex celebrated World Photography Day by offering traditional Polaroids to our Team members on July 19th. 
On the day the t-shirts were distributed, Twintex took the opportunity to provide a moment of relax for Our Team. 


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Twintex:"Cherry on the top of the cake"
Last May 24th, Twintex celebrated the beginning of the Cherry season, the initiative was developed with support of our official partner Escola Profissional do Fundão.

Twintex values ​​the region's products and that's why it was the “cherry on the top of the cake” (a knowed portuguese expression) for a week of work and entertainment.


"More than half of the students who attended the most recent training in Industrial Manufacturer administered by Modatex were hired by Twintex, a company that manufactures women's and men's outerwear. The training action aimed at developing skills in terms of preparing and assembling garments."



twintex: wears Portugal Pavillon at expo2020dubai

The Portuguese tiles are the inspiration for the creation of the Portugal pavilion's uniforms, an initiative that brought together 12 Portuguese companies in the textile and footwear sectors. A 100% Portuguese project, led by Miguel Flor, from ModaPortugal, whose signature clothing, footwear and accessories by designer Filipe Augusto were produced by Belcinto, Calvelex, Carité, Lameirinho, Triple Marfel, Mofil, Paulo de Oliveira, Polopiqué, Riopele, Trotinete , Twintex and Vandoma. It was an absolute honour for the clothing manufacturer to participate in such a massive event where the Portuguese industry is highlighted by what it has best to offer.



twintex: back to school

The 'Back to School' is a traditional event at Twintex that sum up to 10Y of exclusive offers to start the new schooling year with the right foot! This year, Twintex went further & it has invested in a stationery kit with the help of @OfficeLink that was the main supplier of all products &  @FarmaciasHolon that offered a lovely lunch bag & exclusive offers to our Team and their children. Twintex could not be more appreciated to have strong business partners who are always ready to offer smiles :)  



Twintex: wears the patrimony

Twintex alongside its business partners began the "Wear the Patrimony" project aiming to develop and produce uniforms in Portugal for the culture sector. The uniforms will be destined for employees of some of the most important national monuments, the Castle of Guimarães, the Church of S. Miguel do Castelo, the Paço dos Duques de Bragança and the Museu de Alberto Sampaio – all of them located in Guimarães, a city that it is considered the Portuguese cradle. Twintex Team is very excited to be part of this amazing project which highlights the high quality of Made in Portugal.


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#askTwintex: the fast story

Twintex launches the very first #AskTwintex in the first week of May offering to Consumers a 'Behind the Scene' as Paramount Brands' Clothing Manufacturer. The main goal of this project is to get closer with our audience & answer frequently asked questions about Twintex & the Clothing Industry. You can send your questions to & get the answer right here on the website always in the first week of every month! The first theme approaches the change of Twintex along 40Y.



Twintex x nENETTE

Twintex got together with the Italian Reputable Brand Nenette & APequenaTulia to develop such an amazing Storying-Telling about the production of a Nenette Blazer. The art of manufacturing is highlighted in the whole video where it shows how important is every detail to deliver a High-Quality Garment made at Twintex.                                                                                                   2021   


Twintex: 8th-time sme leader

Twintex has been recently highlighted with the SME Leader 2020 Statute by IAPMEI in a partnership with Portugal Tourism, Banking and Mutual Guarantee Societies, to signal SMEs with superior performances. Through this recognition, Twintex is highlighted nationally due to the success of its business strategy and the importance of the country's economy.                                 2021         


Twintex: the manufacturer of the future

Twintex bets on the latest technology with the two-headed cutting machine of samples & plaid fabric. This cutting edge machine is 100% based on  Portuguese Software development by Mind. It will allow our customers to access at a much higher speed & an unbeatable fabric low consumption.

Click to get the Newsletter                                          2021



"The art of manufacture continues to accompany the destinations of Twintex, a textile factory in Fundão with more than 40 years of history and which today employs more than 400 people. We spoke with brothers and administrators Bruno and Mico Mineiro, who told PME Magazine the vision for the future of the company. "




project safety​

Designação do projecto: Twintex - Frente de Combate Covid-19


Codigo do projecto: CENTRO-02-08B9-FEDER-048251


Objectivo principal: Produção e comercialização de mascaras de Uso Social na comunidade como medida preventiva de transmissão de SARS-Civid-2.


Região de intervenção: Cova da Beira


Custo Total: 309.332,00 Euros


Custo elegível: 304.332,00 Euros


Apoio Total: 289.115,40 Euros


Taça de frutas frescas

Twintex Green week​

Twintex' Green Week starts to be a tradition that everyone enjoys to be part of. The Twintex Green Week was done in 4 days before the Team goes in the Summer Holidays. As of last year programme, this year Twintex offered a different fruit every day, recipes with the fruit were distributed and sustainable ideas to put in practice were shared to all. Further, the event count with business Partners: Incognito Bar Fundão which offered ice creams and natural juices to all; SHFIT Gym which participated every day with good practices for better health care; Vivactivo gym and Ótica Riscado with a wide range of offers. The Green Week was 4 days of motivation, team-work and happy environment for all.


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bootcamp InternaTional​

Twintex participated at the 6TH BootCamp International organized by CCIP (Câmara do Comércio e Indústria de Portugal) as a Success Case. The company was represented by the Client Manager Coordinator, Catarina Manuel and Public Relations Coordinator, Liliana Torres who explained how the company is holding with Covid-19 virus issue and how Twintex is year by year a case of success within the sector. More info can be found online at


Image by Nathan Dumlao


Twintex is open and fully working during a pandemic situation of COVID-19. The company put in place a range of health & safety measures to avoid any infection amongst employees and started working on closed doors. It was stated that all situation was difficult for the business, although there is always a way out and the company managed to adjust its work to all situation.

Check out all interview in our Video Gallery.



pink march

March is the month of Women Power at Twintex. The company delivered a Pink Event where 350 flowers were given to all women of the factory and mini message cards w/ empowerment messages about all women. Also, this event was scheduled to securely receive the Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro (Cancer Association) to give a quite something donation in persona. Although, due to the new reality we postponed this visit/donation for when it is suitable for both parties.



Biannual Blood Donation​

Last February 4th, we had the Blood Donation in-house through Grupo Humanitario Dadores de Sangue da Covilhã. Thank you to all our employees who are always willing to be part of this initiative and to GHDS da Covilhã who are tireless and with whom we keep a close relationship.


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Twintex celebrated the traditional Children's Christmas with lots of toys, treats, and playtime. It's a great joy for us to welcome the children of our team into our home and share with them the affection and friendship that abound in the company.


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Twintex Back to School
On September 9th, at Quinta Pedagógica do Fundão, we distributed the 2023 school supply kits. Every year, Twintex supports the return to school for the children of our Team, and this year, over 70 families were supported. This initiative aligns with the Twintex EcoLife concept, representing Social and Environmental Responsibility, where we annually develop initiatives promoting the social well-being of the Twintex Family.
"A child is love made visible."
Friedrich Novalis


Children's Visit to Twintex

On April 14th, Twintex welcomed a group of 20 children to its facilities, where they were given a close look at its production processes and the company's sustainability and social responsibility policies. At the end of the visit, the children from the ATL Centro Paroquial de Bem-Estar Social de Valverde lined up with smiles for a photo. "It's a pleasure for us to share knowledge with the future of our country while spreading joy and pleasant moments to our team and the little ones," shared the company on social media.


Twintex:Pink October
Twintex provided to the entire Team a conscious day about Breast Cancer. Along 7 years, this well-thought initiative provided information and free screeanings to more than 300 Women which help to diagnose 3 cases of Breast Cancer at an early stage. The company guaranteed full support in the whole process of diagnosis, treatment and recovery of these cases.


Twintex:Green week
Twintex celebrated the social and environmental responsability with the tradicional Green Week between July 25th and until July 28th.  
Twintex celebrated the social and environmental responsability with the tradicional Green Week.
The Green Week aims to promote and present healthy habits to the Team as well as environmentally friendly habits. The event had the collaboration of our protocols.


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Twintex:A pharmacy for everyone
Twintex joined forces with the pharmacy "Diamantino" (business partner) to provide 22 pharmacies to every kindergarten of the city. 
The project named "Together for the ecosystem" aims to create awareness in protecting the environment by recycling old medicines.
Furthermore, we also give to the school all the supplies that they need. 


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Twintex:9th-time pme leader
Twintex has been, once again, highlighted with the SME Leader 2021 Statute by IAPMEI in a partnership with Portugal Tourism, Banking and Mutual Guarantee Societies, to signal SMEs with superior performances. Through this recognition, Twintex is highlighted nationally due to the success of its business strategy and the importance of the country's economy. It should also be noted that the company is recognized for its continuous commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Twintex intends to continue to develop the center region through a strategic plan that promotes industry, culture and the regional economy.




Twintex celebrates 2Y of Paris Fashion Week through the Zona Industrial of Moda Portugal. The project highlighted 5 Portuguese Companies that are proud to keep the Portuguese textile and clothing sector on the market. "It is what the Portuguese are by conviction. We have a very important heritage in the textile and clothing sector. The five companies that appear here today are inspired and inspiring and are together to continue pushing this sector at full steam" stated Bruno Mineiro, Twintex' CEO.



twintex: green week

Twintex Green Week event completes 3Y of success! Twintex has strong Sustainable and Social Responsibility strands which led us to the will of celebrating them. Therefore, we have created an event where we raise awareness about sustainability, protecting the environment & well-being. This year we counted on: @FarmaciasHolon: Create awareness about well-being and Health.

@ShFit Gym: Nutrition & Activities at workplace

@FlavioOliveira Massagista: Localized Massages

@Opticas Riscado: Visual Health

@IncognitoBar Fundão: Healthy Beverage



Twintex: godmother

Twintex is aware of how difficult is to start a new chapter in life. The first days in a new job are stressful & sometimes demotivating as people do not know whom to speak to, where to go on break times, the rules to follow & the whole dynamic of a company. So this year, Twintex add a new tool to its Welcoming Standard: 'Twintex Godmother'. Through it, Twintex honors excellence workes with the role of GodMother/GodFather to help in the integration of a new Team Member.


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Twintex: invests in vr

Through this digitalization, it is possible to follow all the production processes from the reception of raw material, cutting, product making, shipping etc. to participating in the creative process of the Team. In addition to its presence on social platforms available to everyone, this project has a version in Oculus GO that offers the user the experience of Virtual Reality within a clothing manufacturer. In this way, the company opens its doors and reinforces its transparency and rapprochement with Consumers, Clients and the Community in which it operates.                                                                     2021   


Twintex: Bruno Mineiro integrates the general council of ubi

Twintex' CEO was invited to join the General Council of the University of Beira Interior (UBI). Co-opted as an external member of the Institution's General Council, the CEO and Vice-President of ANIVEC, was one of the personalities chosen based on his personal and professional career who have been notorious in charge of what is considered the Clothing Company of the Future.



Twintex: Looking at the year 2021 with confidence

"Our conviction is that we will see a reversal of the downward trend with the FW21 collection. 

This inversion is due in large part to the effective start of the vaccine, which will reinforce confidence in consumers, added to the fact that the purchase desire begins, the result of the “force vest” that the world has been in the last 12 months. 

Bruno Mineiro, CEO 

Click to get the Newsletter                          2021         


Twintex empowers the regional economy

The President of IEFP, approved & recognized Twintex Indústria de Confecções, Lda as a Company of strategical interest for the regional economy, under the measure of Internships/Apprenticeships.​

Twintex keeps on supporting the local Universities and the future of generations.

Click to get the PT press.                                             2020



September 24th is the day that the company that made Twintex was founded. The company celebrates this day and year of 2020 in a different way with more masks and smiley eyes and the less actual party. This year was marked significant changes, all team learnt how to live and work in an atypical way, we truly consider our entire team fighters for not giving up even when things do not look good.

In 2020 we do not celebrate the company 41st birthday, we celebrate people who make the biggest employer of Fundão, every day.

To all Twintex Team and Partners, Thank you!​


Image by LumenSoft Technologies

Twintex Back to School​

Every year Twintex delivers the Back to School Event. It is a weekend event that reunites the Team and their children for a party where school supplies are offered to all for the best Back to School EVER! Through this way, we are able to raise constant teamwork thought and create a happy work environment by letting the Team and their children feel supported by the company. Unfortunately, in 2020 Twintex is not throwing a Back to School Party in the sake of all Children and respecting the DGS requirements of social distancing but school supplies are bought and delivered to the parents through a safe way. One more time, Twintex keeps its events on but always respecting the internal contingency plan.




In order to protect all Team, Twintex put in place a range of measures following DGS (Direção Geral de Saúde) of Portugal requirements. At the moment, the company has 16 measures strictly followed by all which covers:

  • Visitor Restriction; 

  • No Inter-dept. travelling. Preference of phone use;

  • Social Distancing of 1m minimum; 

  • ll doors open to avoid constant contact;

  • Mask daily use; 

  • Mismatch of Breaks;

  • Use of other safety equipment as gloves or visor; 

  • Regular cleaning & sanitation of each workstation and common areas;

  • Mandatory regular handwashing;

  • Body Temperature Measurement 2x/day;

  • Monitorisation of all packages;

  • Prohibition of fingerprinting when clock-in and out. Use of magnetic card;

  • Just leaving to work, supermarket & pharmacy.

  • Prohibition of business travelling outside of the country;

  • Limit of 1 person within company vehicles. If not possible, the use of safety equipment is mandatory.




Twintex develop a very new Tshirt for all Team and their family! This year, the company's Tshirts are funnier as they are available for adults and for children so everyone can be part of the Twintex Team. Every year we sell Twintex' Tshirts in order to support a social association and through this way we can help those who need the most.




April is the sweetest month of the year at Twintex. The company delivered an Easter Event right after spring break where sweet almonds were given to all employees & free coffee for those coffee lovers. Every year, Twintex's Founder, Mr Mineiro gives to all the 'Bolo da Festa' which is an Easter cake. This year due to current circumstances this cake was not provided but it is not forgotten.




Every year Twintex set partnerships with local services to empower small businesses economy and give more options of purchase to our team and their first-degree family. Year by year the market changes and people start looking for new things, different stuff to purchase and to see to suit their daily life, so we look forward to having the best services by our side. Recently and for the very first time, we start by setting up protocols with veterinaries and pet shops in order to attend our team needs and their little friends.




Twintex started its path towards sustainability in 2010 through awareness of environmentally conscious measures not only in its production processes but also in its headquarters.
In 2013, the investment in photovoltaic panels allowed the company to produce 35% of the energy it requires to operate. The following year, that number increased to 55%, allowing the company to save up to 50 tons of CO2 emissions per year. The UV treatment on windows, together with the solar panels installed on the rooftops and thermal effective roofing, allows the temperature inside the facilities to be stabilized and controlled, therefore reducing the dependency on air conditioning units. These same solar panels are used to support the natural gas boiler, reducing by 50% the energy required to heat up the water for production usage. 

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Pink October

This October, Twintex hosted a lecture for the entire team on the importance of physical exercise in preventing Breast Cancer and the impact it can have before, during, and after the disease, with the support of the Mama_move project from the University of Beira Interior. Additionally, our entire team dressed up to show that we are stronger together and that there's nothing better for prevention than being informed.


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winner of the People award

Twintex is the Winner of the People Category in the "Innovation in Prevention" Award, promoted by AGEAS Seguros and EXAME. This award is a privilege as it recognizes our Best Practices in People Management, but mainly for acknowledging our greatest strength, our Team! Every day, the reason for our success walks through the doors of Twintex—the people who work, wear the t-shirt and build the dream that began in 1979 and, gradually, rightfully earned the title of the Factory of the Future! 


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Our Women, Our Strength

To all the women who are part of Twintex, to all the women who build our structure, and to all the women who give and embody their best selves every day, we wish you a Happy International Women's Day.

Every woman at Twintex is special, and we make sure to show it.

Happy International Women's Day 💐


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The “Back to School” event has been taking place since 2014 and the company estimates that it has already delivered more than 1,000 kits. The largest clothing manufacturer in Beira Interior expanded the event and held, for the first time, the celebration at the 'Quinta Pedagógica do Fundão', where children had a fun morning with a donkey ride and a gardening workshop with the innovation of “Paper that you plant”, which is a seed paper that will grow as a flower.


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Twintex:"give blood, save lifes"
On July 19th, Twintex organized the Blood Donation. 
The Company has a responsability to the community. Every Year the Humanitarian Group Blood Donors (Covilhã) knows that can count with Twintex. Everyone that wants to make part can donate blood to the ones that needs it.
That's the Company Mentality.


April is always a good month in Twintex for those who love chocolate.
Before Easter Holidays, the company organised an event, where chocolates were given to all Team to sweet up their day ans pots of chocolate were delivered to those who won the special Easter guessing game! «
Every year, Twintex's Founder, Mr Mineiro gives to all the 'Bolo da Festa' which is an Easter cake and this time was no different. 
Twintex always provides to its employees the sweetest month of the year.


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twintex: celebrates pink October

In October, Twintex hosts events relating to breast cancer awareness to spread the message about the importance of prevention. Local pharmacies have participated in this initiative with full information and they have challenged the company to display Pink Murals in order to remind all workers of the importance of Pink October & all that it represents. Twintex Team with more than 250 Women have participated actively in all initiatives & wore pink on the International Day Against Breast Cancer.



twintex: 100% RENEWABLE ENERGY

The inauguration of the new logistics centre allowed the company to expand self-production, with the installation of over 300 photovoltaic panels, and the agreement signed with the Spanish Audax Energia guarantees that the remaining energy used by the clothing manufacturer does not produce greenhouse gases or it contaminates, in any way, the environment. An important milestone for Twintex, which is also proud of its environmental and social policy and is still, according to Bruno and Mico Mineiro, CEO and COO of the company, preparing new investments to maintain its aim of being the garment factory of the future.


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#askTwintex: pattern designing - CHAPTER i

Twintex has started its journey in 1979. Back then, the Art of Manufacturing was very different from what we know now. Tools, machinery, methods of working & time were very odd but their importance remains unchanged. At Twintex, pattern designing flew with the new times as we started with 1 Designer & nowadays we have 7 professional & creative Women, high technology machinery & tons of hours saved. Check out Paula Oliveira, Pattern Designing Manager,  testimony.




On May 18th, Twintex in partnership with GHDS of Covilhã delivered the first blood donation of 2021. This initiative had the collaboration & good mood of all Twintex' Team who is always willing to help those who might be in need. Biannually, this initiative is organized & it counts on this voluntary Team that works with the Humanitarian Group of Blood Donors & Medical Team of Coimbra.



Twintex: Mico Mineiro at ModaLisboa

Mico Mineiro, Twintex' COO is in the very first 100% digital edition of ModaLisboa. From 15th to 18th of April ModaLisboa #Comunidade programme includes 21 fashion presentations, 13 pep talks & 8 movies. Mico Mineiro is highlighted on the #StorySession2 on 16th April in which fashion system is the main topic. The Digital Edition is streaming in all social platforms of ModaLisboa.                                                                     2021   


Twintex: International women's day

To mark the 8th of March, Twintex delivered a very special initiative to celebrate the power, success and achievement of all Women. So on this day, Twintex created an Acknolodgement Board which all Team was free to use and thank one another, in order to create a wave of positivism, appreciation & unity. Twintex keeps on supporting Women in their careers & empowering new generations.



Twintex: 100% renewable electricity

"The newcomer year of 2021 marks the moment when Twintex will rely on 100% renewable electricity in all the capacity purchased from the network. By the reinforcement of our strand of producing electricity, we move forward w/ investment of two hundred more photovoltaic panels that increased by 20% the capacity of the already installed panels at Twintex."

Mico Mineiro, COO

Click to get the Newsletter                                   2021



PINK October. 30th of October is the National day of Prevention of Breast Cancer and at Twintex we celebrate this day due to our universe of more than 300 strong Women that are part of our Team. So on this day, we celebrate all Women and we wore PINK honouring all women and men. 



Visit of State Secretary of economy​

September 10th, Twintex received the State Secretary of Economy, the President of IAPMEI & President of Fundão City Council while respecting internal self-protection measures stated in the internal Contingency plan. Twintex as the biggest employer in Fundão is responsible to keep its premises COVID-free and protect all team and our guests so the usage of a mask is mandatory within the factory, temperature checking is done in the entrance as well as hand disinfection and contingency plan is available to everyone.

Twintex keeps is way on The Art of Manufacturing overcoming all the obstacles that these atypical times have brought to all of us, even though the company has passing significant times with reduction of 40% of Client's orders which lead to profit decrease of 50% from 2018. The President of CFundão City Council, Dr. Paulo Fernandes referred Twintex as "The Example of Resilience" facing the real pandemic situation. 



twx&câmara muncipal do fundão​

Twintex got together with the business partner Câmara Municipal do Fundão (City Council of Fundão) to manufacture more than 20k masks for all Fundão residents. These masks were free for all and accessible in order to create awareness of the importance of self-protection. Despite this initiative, Twintex made more than1500 masks for intern use of all team. The biggest Manufacturer of Fundão and the City Council of Fundão are committed to helping the community to protect themselves by providing all necessary safety equipment free of charge.




Twintex and Modatex (Sewing School) work alongside every year to develop a range of training for those who are interested to learn how to work in the manufacturing industry. This year, Twintex supported 100% Modatex and its students with all materials to develop different children garments to be donated at the end of the course. The donation was successfully done to Centro de Jesus Maria José do Dominguizo by Twintex' Public Relations Coordinator, Liliana Torres, the Responsible Teacher Isaura Mendes and Modatex Representatives, Sonia Melo and Silvia Silveira



DONATION OF 450M of Fabric

Twintex and the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Fundão keep a steady partnership as we help one another in circumstances. Therefore, Twintex attended toa Santa Casa' request of more than 450 meters of fabric for their very new outdoor space at Quinta Pedagógia do Fundão. This lovely farm count with a range of different animals to visit as Ostriches, Ducks, Horses, etc, with a spacious playground for all children, an adequated area for elderly people to stay, a coffee shop and enough space to delivery any event in the future. The Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Fundão also called the space filled with fabric 'Twintex Area'. How nice?  Visit us.




Twintex is adapting itself to get through the virus. In the past months, the company has been putting in place a range of measures in order to keep all Team safe. At a first stage, visits started to be postponed, hand disinfectant was placed around the factory and protective masks were produced for all Team. Bruno Mineiro, Twintex CEO stated that 'rough times need adaptation and acceptance in order to get through it'.




Carnival was celebrated with a lot of excitement at Twintex. We were honoured with Academia de Música e Dança do Fundão one more time; the Incógnito Bar served us lovely Mocktails and in the end, we offered dessert for everyone! A full a completed lunch!




In the pursuit of a minimal ecological footprint, several other solutions were created by Twintex. From using water gathered by rain-collecting systems to automatic digital cutting plans, every investment made by the company has in its roots a concern for the environment. This mindset allows Twintex to distinguish itself from other companies in the sector, making it a true pioneer in sustainability. All these measures, combined with strict conscious use of natural resources and investment in environment-friendly machinery, paved the way, in 2012, for the company to successfully participate in the “European Enterprise Promotion Awards”, with the project “Twintex Supports the Community and the Environment”.In the following year, Twintex’s sustainable actions rewarded the company with the “Sustainability Award”, given by one of the biggest world known and award-winning clothing brand.The company was also recognized for the same reasons in 2018 by CENIT and ANIVEC during the event ModaPortugal, which took place in Porto.

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